A Strong New Year
Just because there is snow on the trails doesn’t mean you can’t run!
After I hurt myself at my last race, I started going to physical therapy. During my sessions the therapist had me try various strength tests and I was shocked at how weak I was in a few areas. No wonder I ended up with an injury!
It’s not like I don’t know how important strengthening exercises and cross training are for runners. Coach Caleb assigns them weekly and the evidence is all over the internet. Not to mention, oh right I am a PT.
All that said, if I’m being honest, the exercises are always the first to get ditched when I’m strapped for time. I’m a runner, so getting my miles each week is the most important if I don’t have time for everything, right? Maybe, maybe not.
Also I have become way too comfortable with skipping exercises. I ran my first marathon in 2011 and really haven’t had a serious injury. Minor one here or there but none where I’ve needed to take time off. So that means I’m good, right?
However, if I’m being really honest, no matter how busy my life is, I can always squeeze in strengthening exercises easier than say an hour run. When I first started running in 2010 it was to lose weight and get in shape. I was not only running but I was exercising whenever I could. While watching tv at night I would do push ups, crunches, planks etc. many nights in my bedroom before hopping in bed I would do a round of exercises. It might sound silly, but while cooking dinner, waiting for whatever, I would get on the floor right in the kitchen and exercise.
Running healthy once again is the goal!
It’s time to get that mentality back. If I want to stay injury free and have a successful racing season, I need to stop making excuses and utilize those free moments. It’s so easy to just say I’m too busy. I need to push myself in everyday life the way I push myself during ultras.